Super EFA Forte Liquid is a high-potency fish oil formula offering EPA and DHA in a bioavailable triglyceride form. Each exceptionally pure and clean-tasting teaspoon offers 2,500 mg of EPA and DHA to support cognitive and cardiovascular health, as well as joint health in adults with RA. DHA is one of the most important omega-3 fatty acids in the brain, where it helps regulate membrane fluidity, the formation of synapses, and cytokine production.1 Clinical research has demonstrated that DHA can support cognitive health, including episodic memory and learning in older adults.2 DHA also helps support the development of the brain, eyes and nerves
in children up to 12 years of age. EPA and DHA support cardiovascular health by promoting healthy lipid metabolism, heart rates, and platelet and endothelial function.3 In conjunction with conventional therapy, EPA and DHA help reduce the pain of ...
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