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Enjoy as the base of a grain bowl, on top of green salads or as a cozy breakfast porridge.
When buckwheat is sprouted, the structures of the seed start to break down, giving it that coveted crunch. Sprouted buckwheat is great for mueslis, granola...
Sprouted farro (also known as emmer) is an ancient variety of wheat and is one of our favourite grains to sprout and cook here at...
Our sprouted hulless oats are whole grain and contain all of the important nutrients found in the germ and bran, like protein and fibre. They...
Enjoy as the base of a grain bowl, casserole, side dish, soup, curry or rice pudding.
Organic sprouted millet has a wonderfully sweet flavor. It makes a delicious breakfast porridge or warm salads with roasted vegetables. We sprout this whole grain...
Organic sprouted quinoa is high in protein and essential nutrients. It is quick and easy to cook and adds nutritious benefits to any meal! Enjoy...
Enjoy as the base of a grain bowl, casserole, side dish, cold salad or cozy breakfast porridge.
Enjoy as a warm or cold salad, risotto, soup or as the base of a grain bowl.