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Hypericum Perforatum 200ch single remedy pellets in tube of 4 gm ( approx. 80 pellets )
Hypericum Perforatum 200ch single remedy pellets in tube of 4 gm ( approx. 80 pellets )
Hypericum Perforatum 30C
Ignatia Amara 200ch single remedy pellets in tube of 4 gm ( approx. 80 pellets )
Ignatia Amara 30C
Ignatia Amara 6ch single remedy pellets in tube of 4 gm ( approx. 80 pellets )
Ignatia Amara
Ipecacuanha 30C
Kalium Bichromicum 30ch single remedy pellets in tube of 4 gm ( approx. 80 pellets )
Lachesis Mutus 30ch single remedy pellets in tube of 4 gm ( approx. 80 pellets )
Single remedy pellets
Ledum Palustre 30C