Copper is an essential trace element found in all body tissues. This mineral is a nutritional partner to iron that helps to metabolize food into hemoglobin. It performs critical functions in numerous enzymes, such as the catalytic role it plays in the antioxidant superoxide dismutase. In the body Copper helps to produce red blood cells and connective tissue and also facilitates the utilization of oxygen in cells. It has been found to assist in preventing the loss of pigmentation in hair and skin. Non-chelated copper is poorly absorbed from the intestines. It must be properly chelated with amino acids to be usable by the body. Trophic Copper Chelate is made under specific conditions that are almost identical to the chelates produced in tissue by Mother Nature. Therefore, the body obtains the best possible utilization and absorption of the copper. Trophic's patented Albion Copper, chelated...
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