5g MINI of Baking Soda Free The Curator (natural deodorant). An extra sensitive skin formula that smells like cocoa, eucalyptus and ultra-savvy intuition. The Curator's baking soda free formula is designed not to irritate sensitive skin and is one of our top rated natural deodorants, recently winning CertClean's "best deodorant" award. Contains enough product for 1-2 weeks with daily use. Introducing routine's new baking soda free natural deodorant line up! Of course, we have to give our good pal baking soda credit. It is an amazing natural product, deodorizer and the star of our original well-loved formulas (which are still available, of course!) The thing is, baking soda is alkaline and for some people, at certain times, it can throw off their pH balance, in turn causing skin sensitivities. This is why, for our friends with sensitive skin, we have created four new deodorants in which b...
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