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Aquatein Vegan Superprotein


Aquatein features Lentein®, a unique high-protein source sustainably cultivated from duckweed. Also referred to as ‘water lentils’, duckweed is not from the lentil family at all! It is a highly...

Aquatein features Lentein®, a unique high-protein source sustainably cultivated from duckweed. Also referred to as ‘water lentils’, duckweed is not from the lentil family at all! It is a highly digestible, nutrient-dense aquatic plant protein that contains micronutrients, minerals, polyphenols, beta-carotenoids, fibre, and phytonutrients.

"INGREDIENTS (1 scoop) LENTEIN® Duckweed Protein Powder (Lemna minor, wolffia spp.) 22g"