That manly beard of yours certainly takes you on some adventures, of which it can also traps in smells that your face may have encountered. So do yourself (and those close to you) a favour, give it a wash with this 2 in 1 Beard Shampoo and Conditioner. Wake up your beard with a crisp blend of Eucalyptus, Lime and Pine Scotch Needle essential oils; providing a scent that is truly refreshing yet very clean.
Rigorously tested for over a year, this Beard Shampoo and Conditioner is free of harmful parabens and sulfates. This luxury formula contains only natural and plant derived ingredients, and has been screened and granted the CertClean certification of approval, Canadaβs only health centered certification mark for beauty products.
Once massaged into the beard, it will form into a rich foamy lather, that comes to you from a plant derived surfactant, ensuring that even the most sensitive ...
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